10 Keyboard Shortcuts for Lightroom Classic You Need to Know
Adobe Lightroom Classic is filled with tons of shortcuts and I have put together my 10 essential Lightroom keyboard shortcuts you need to know to drastically speed up your editing workflow.
Please note: Command and Ctrl are the same. Command is for Mac and Ctrl is for PC.
1. Command/Ctrl + U = Auto Tone
Automatically helps you balance exposure. When you click command + U, all sliders for Tone (Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Whites, and Blacks) will be automatically adjusted. In case you don’t like the result, you can always undo what was done.
2. Command/Ctrl + Z = Undo
If you do not like the actions or changes that were done, you can always Undo it. Instead of going to the Edit tab and clicking on Undo, you can just use the shortcut Ctrl + Z. Doing so will save you a lot of time.
3. G = Enter Grid View in Library Panel
The G shortcut is one of the most important in Lightroom. This one is used for bringing up the Grid View in the Library Panel. Doing so will make editing and working on your images more convenient – and fun. Navigating also becomes easier when you bring up the grid view.
4. Command/Ctrl + E = Edit a copy in Adobe Photoshop
If you find the need to go to Photoshop – probably to look for a photo you’re planning to use for the editing task – you do not have to save your image and go out of Lightroom before opening Photoshop. All you need to do while still in Lightroom is press the Ctrl + E shortcut. No need to go the long way.
5. D = Enter the Develop Module
If you want an easier way of opening your image (to edit) on the Develop module, all you have to do is press D. In a matter of seconds, you’ll be able to comfortably work on your image. It’s faster and more convenient than the traditional method of navigating to and then clicking on the Develop link.
6. Command + Shift + U = Auto White Balance
Press Command + Shift + U if you want Lightroom to help you auto adjust the white balance of your image. Again, you can always use the Undo shortcut if you decide to do away with the changes, especially since the adjustments are automatically made.
7. Shift + Tab = Hide All Panels
If you want your image to appear larger than the normal size, simply press Shift and Tab and all the toolbars and side panels will disappear. Once you do this, you’ll get your image that’s almost as big as your desktop full-screen. You can still use the panels even while the photo is maximized – just bring the mouse pointer to the edge of your screen and let it hover.
Take note that this is a different command from pressing the F key. The F key is only intended for those who want to zoom their image in and out. You cannot continue editing after the image enlarges.
8. R = The Crop Tool
If you want to crop your image, just press R and you can start editing your image. Aside from cropping, you can also rotate your image when needed. If you want to deactivate the option, just press R again.
9. Q = Activate Spot Removal
Removing spots, fixing skin blemishes, and other similar actions can be easily done by pressing Q. You don’t have to navigate to the Histogram tab just to access the tool.
10. V = Convert to Grayscale (convert your photo to black & white)
There may be instances when you want your photos to appear in grayscale. This can be easily done on Lightroom Classic and it doesn’t need a complicated process. All you need to do is press the V key and your image/s will automatically switch to grayscale. If you want to bring back its original color, simply press the V key again.

Interested in more shortcuts for Lightroom Classic?
These are just 10 of the most useful Lightroom Classic shortcuts. There are hundreds more when you explore Lightroom further. Here is a complete list of keyboard shortcuts by Adobe.
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About the Author – Jan Erik Waider
I'm a visual artist and fine art photographer based in Hamburg. My work focuses on atmospheric and abstract landscape photography, capturing the essence of the remote polar regions. – Learn more about me and discover my fine art photo series, prints and books or download my Lightroom Presets or Capture One Styles.
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