Capture One releases App for iPad (June 2022)
This development has been a long time coming, but it's finally here: Capture One has released Capture One for iPad. This article gives a first overview of features and costs.
Capture One, as promised, has launched its iPad editing application. It allows you to convert RAW images and edit photos on the go and was specifically designed for the tablet workspace. Capture One claims that Capture One for iPad is the first time its image editor has been designed for mobile platforms. It was designed to be compatible with many of the iPad's unique features, such as touch interactions and gestures. Cloud storage allows users to edit anywhere, and their adjustments and images can be transferred between iPads and desktops via Cloud Transfer.
Capture One for iPad will not launch with the same features as the desktop version on Windows and Mac, as mentioned in their press release. The main editing tools are there, as well as organizing and filtering your imported photos, creating and importing styles and presets, and working with basic metadata. See a complete list of all supported features for the launch version. Capture One claims that it is working on adding tethering, layers and masking to the new iPad app.
Capture One Styles for Landscape Photography
According to the company, it felt it was important to make Capture One easy to use for long-standing users. However, it also had to be able to work for people who have different expectations about how an iPad app should function. The interface design of the iPad app should be intuitive and well-organized for new users. This shows that the company believes the iPad app can be a great starting point for people new to editing software or those already familiar with Adobe Lightroom.
Rafael Orta (Capture One CEO) says that while the iPad app is brand new, the team wanted to make it instantly familiar to Capture One users as well as general iPad users.
Capture One for iPad is only available as a subscription service. It is not compatible with other Capture One licenses. A monthly subscription costs $4.99 and gives you access to up to 1,000 photos, which can also be stored in the company's Cloud File Transfer.